Stalo Christodoulou
Playbell & Co.
Business Consultant
Stalo obtained her first class honours degree in Accounting Financial Management and Economics at Sheffield University, UK. She is a Certified Accountant, member of the Institute of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and of the Institute of Certified Public Accounts of Cyprus (ICPAC)
Stalo has undertaken her training contract with G.Papadopoulos & Co. in Nicosia for which she worked for a total of almost five years as a member of the Accounting and Audit Department. She then joined PrimeXM Services (CY) Ltd as a Chief Financial Controller heading the Accounting department for almost three years. She then entered into a partnership with Playbell & Co. where she is acting as a Business Consultant.
Her main practice areas include Audit & Assurance and Financial Services.